Swiss Made Memorial Diamond

About memorial diamond

Turn Ashes into Eternal
Diamonds – A Hong Kong Tribute

A memorial diamond is a diamond created from the carbon extracted from cremated ashes, hair or a combination of ashes and hair. It’s a unique way to immortalize the memory of a loved one that’s passed and establish a family heirloom to be treasured for generations.

Algordanza Memorial Diamond for human
Loved one

A diamond from the ashes of your loved one is the ultimate and everlasting memorial.

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Algordanza Memorial Diamond for pet

A pet cremation diamond can be made from the fur of your dear buddy.

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About Algordanza

Made in Switzerland

Established in 2004, Algordanza is the leading global enterprise in producing memorial diamonds. You can now turn a loved one’s ashes to a diamond, right here in Hong Kong. The name Algordanza originates from the Rhaeto-Romanic language and means ‘remembrance’. It is a fitting title for a company that is dedicated to preserving your most special memories in a unique way.

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Algordanza Media Mentioned Ming Pao

Keep your loved one close by


We offer a wide range of diamond cuts and our experienced Swiss diamond cutters will create  a one-of-a-kind commemorative diamond according to your requirements. 

Get the Price
Algordanza Diamond and Ring

Diamond prices start at HKD26,330

The diamond process

Contact our sales
Step 1
Contact our sales Contact our sales

Contact us and we will offer a free 40-minute consultation to explain the process and show you samples of our work.

Provide ashes
Step 2
Provide ashes Provide ashes

You can either meet us at your funeral agent’s office or directly bring 500g of ashes to our office after proper preparation.

Confirm order
Step 3
Confirm order Confirm order

Submit the order form and all required documents, and pay the initial 50% deposit. You will also need to confirm the details for the diamond.

Diamond production
Step 4
Diamond production Diamond Production

The ashes will be sent to our Swiss lab, and our experts will get to work in creating your unique diamond . The production will take around 4 to 9 months .

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A word about grief memorial diamonds

Hear what our clients say

"Especially now that COVID-19 is difficult to leave the country. If you have Ashes carbon diamonds by your side, no matter where you are in any country, you can worship your loved ones at any time and in any country."

Christine Koo

"Thank you for knowing that there is such a service. Can turn ashes into ornaments, decoration etc. this can be integrated into a part of daily life. It will give people in need great comfort. Because he is always being with us. 

He really loves us. I can only use memories to miss him."

Suk Yee Leung

"After receiving my memorial diamond, I always hung it on my neck. In fact, from the moment I put it on, I felt more peaceful in my heart. From time to time, I would like to drill the memorial diamond on my neck as I were talking to him.

Thank you for living well these years, looking back on the great event after years of baptism is only a history soon! I am grateful for this wise decision at that time, but also for the Algordanza's help! Thank you!"


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Quality guaranteed

We’re the no.1 certified producer of memorial diamonds

We are committed to caution and transparency.

Algordanza Hong Kong Team

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